The oddsmakers have updated odds on those states and as of Friday morning, the oddsmakers believe the writing is on the wall for Joe Biden. Biden is favored in three of the four states left standing, while Trump is expected to take North Carolina. At last Sunday’s Trump rally in Las Vegas the audience was 60 percent or more white women. Trump is loved by white males, but it appears white females feel the same way. This isn’t the ANGRY WHITE MALE election. It’s the ANGRY WHITE ELECTORATE election. Both white men and women will come out in record numbers for Trump.

45th President of the United States

Donald J. Trump defied all Vegas election odds in 2016 when he became the 45th president of the United States of America. He outlasted a strong field of 11 Republican Party candidates and then toppled Hillary Clinton in the general election. All of this was done without any previous political experience and at an advanced age of 70 years old.

However, in the 2020 election against Joe Biden, Trump was denied a second term by the most blatant and coordinated fraud in US history. Nevertheless, Trump is the favorite on the Vegas election odds boards to win the 2024 GOP nomination.

Of course, any Vegas Trump odds you come across are hypothetical, as Nevada doesn’t allow political betting (which is ironic, given the nature of politics and Nevada’s colloquial status as “Sin City”). Sportsbooks simply use Trump's odds for advertising their other wagering options. That said, you can still bet on Donald Trump and all the other potential 2024 candidates, debates, and more by using any of the reputable international betting sites listed here.

Top Online Sportsbooks with 2024 Vegas Election Odds

150% Max $2504.5
250% Max $1,0004.4
3100% Max $1,0004.4
375% Max $1,0004.1

In January 2021, Donald Trump became the first President ever to be impeached twice, and all the top books had Trump impeachment odds posted.

While the charges are even more baseless than those the first time around, the case has now moved to the Senate, where conviction seems unlikely. The US Senate is split 50-50 along party lines, and 67 votes would be needed to convict Trump. The Vegas Senate odds on this are very slim, to say the least.

However, even with conviction being a nonstarter, the top Vegas political sportsbooks are offering odds on exactly how many Senators will vote to convict the now-former President, and you can place your wagers today at Bovada Sportsbook.

Vegas Odds Trump Wall Tweet

How many US Senators will vote to convict Donald Trump on incitement charges?

  • 55 Or 56 +180
  • 53 Or 54 +210
  • 51 Or 52 +800
  • 57 Or 58 +800
  • 50 Or Fewer +1600
  • 67 Or More +1600
  • 59 Or 60 +2000
  • 61 Or 62 +5000
  • 63 Or 64 +10000
  • 65 Or 66 +10000

There are a number of Trump betting odds at every major election betting site, and Trump 2024 is trending as one of the most popular political wagering markets. You can wager on his chances to win the 2024 GOP primary, his odds to win the 2024 general election, and more.

The following odds for the 2024 Trump candidacy are from Bovada:

2024 Presidential Election Republican Candidate

  • Donald Trump +400
  • Mike Pence +500
  • Nikki Haley +600
  • John Kasich +900
  • Ted Cruz +1200
  • Tom Cotton +1400
  • Dan Crenshaw +1600
  • Ron DeSantis +1800
  • Bill Weld +2000
  • Josh Hawley +2000

2024 Presidential Election Winner

  • Kamala Harris +450
  • Joe Biden +550
  • Donald Trump Sr. +800
  • Nikki Haley +1200
  • Mike Pence +1600
  • Michelle Obama +2000
  • Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez +2500
  • Beto O'Rourke +2500
  • Pete Buttigieg +2500
  • Andrew Yang +3000

Current Odds - Political Specials

Will Marjorie Taylor Greene (R) Complete Her First Term In Congress?

  • Yes -500
  • No +300

Will Andrew Yang Be Elected The Next Mayor Of New York City In 2021?

  • No -180
  • Yes +135

*Odds Provided By Bovada

Is It Legal To Bet On Donald Trump Odds?

Betting on Donald Trump political odds are legal if you do so through a licensed international sportsbook operating legitimately online. It has long been the policy of Vegas sportsbooks to only accept wagers on sporting contests. Sportsbooks located in Las Vegas do not provide betting lines or odds on political outcomes or any other category that would fall under the realm of entertainment betting.

But not to worry! The best online sportsbooks all offer odds for entertainment and political betting and are perfectly legal thanks to the fact that federal law does not bar the use of sportsbooks located in other countries. Washington and Connecticut have passed laws that forbid all forms of online gaming, but we’ve yet to see where anyone has faced prosecution in these regions. Still, if you live in WA or CT, it is advised that your stick with the local mandates and refrain from online election betting.

How To Bet On Donald Trump Odds

Unfortunately, you can’t place a wager on Donald Trump odds or any political outcomes (or any other type of entertainment betting) in Las Vegas or any other domestic US sportsbook. In order to make a wager on political outcomes, you must first join a recommended offshore sportsbook and deposit funds into your account via the following procedure:

  • Navigate to the sportsbook and create an account. This will require the entry of data such as your name and address and the creation of a login and password.
  • Deposit funds into your account. These sportsbooks all accept major credit cards and various other banking options, but the most preferred method – and the one that features the biggest bonuses – is Bitcoin. If you just want to browse the betting lines, then you can skip the deposit step and move on.
  • To locate the political odds, just look for a section called “Politics.” Some books may list these under their “Entertainment” section, but most have dedicated election betting categories.
  • If you see a line you like, place your wager ASAP. Of course, in order to do so, you must make a deposit first, as no offshore betting site extends lines of credit to their players. We recommend using Bitcoin or another supported cryptocurrency.
  • Sit back and wait for the results to come in!

Donald Trump Bio

Donald Trump first became prominent nationally as a billionaire real estate mogul in New York City and was a stereotypical example of American success (and excess!) in the 1980s. In 2003, Trump began production of a reality television show called The Apprentice, which ran until 2015.

Now, after his first term as President and despite being cheated out of reelection, Trump has easily taken first place atop the Republican odds for the 2024 nomination.

  • Business Holdings: Trump Financial, Trump Sales and Leasing, Trump International Realty
  • Net Worth: $3.8-10 billion
  • Age: 74
  • Spouse: Melania Trump
  • Children: Donald Jr, Ivanka, Eric, Tiffany, Barron
  • Religion: Presbyterian
  • Campaign: Trump's Website
  • Twitter: @realDonaldTrump (banned by traitors)
  • Campaign Slogan: 'Keep America Great,' aka KAG. Previously 'Make America Great Again,' aka MAGA

Donald Trump’s Political Experience

Although Donald Trump has flirted with running for President of the United States since the 1980s, he had no political experience prior to being elected in 2016. He is currently a member of the Republican party but has changed his party affiliation multiple times over his lifetime. Typically, Trump has aligned himself with the party of the Congressional majority, though he has been a Republican since 2012. There is talk of a new Trump party being formed going forward.

What is the focus of Donald Trump’s Political Campaigns?

Trump's message is centered on what he has accomplished as President and how he plans to continue those efforts in the future. His agenda covers many aspects, but the focus is primarily the following:

  • Economy and Jobs

Trump touts tax reform, tax relief for middle-class families, and child tax credits as successes during his first four-year term. Job numbers were surging at all-time highs until the coronavirus lockdowns that have put 40 million Americans out of work, and wages were on the rise.

Before COVID-19, unemployment was at an all-time low among several demographics, including blacks and Hispanics. Overall unemployment also fell to its lowest recorded rate ever under Trump’s first term.

More than 7 million Americans have successfully come off welfare during Trump’s tenure in office, but the pandemic is threatening the American economy (as is the Biden presidency) and a second term for Trump could be the remedy.

  • Immigration Reform

Trump leaped to the top of the polls in 2016 when he expressed his views on limiting immigration into the United States. He promised the construction of a wall on the border of Mexico, but this has not been completed yet.

Funding has been secured for 753 miles of border fencing along the US-Mexico border, but current President Biden has halted further construction. Currently, over 400 miles of total fencing has been built, with the project's completion completely dependent on Trump election in the future.

  • Regulation

Vegas Odds Trump Winning 2020

An early focus of Trump’s 2016 campaign was the removal of red tape in the US infrastructure, and by extension, removing regulations that impair the flow of commerce and business across the United States.

During his first term, Trump signed an Executive Order mandating the removal of two federal regulations for every federal regulation that is enacted. In the future, economic recovery from the coronavirus will be predicated on cutting more regulations, and Trump will run on this stump whenever he reenters politics.

  • Preserving American Tradition, Law & Order

While the COVID-19 pandemic wiped out Trump's job market and stock market gains due to state governments shuttering businesses nationwide, another enemy of the 2020 Trump campaign reared its ugly head: the 1619 Riots.

Vegas Odds Trump Wall

Across the USA, various activists, protesters, and rioters destroyed American landmarks, tore down statues, and otherwise caused local municipalities to censor or erase their 'problematic' histories.

This movement to revise America's history is reviled by the right, and while it has given Trump a new angle to stump on, it is giving the left plenty of ground to stomp on. Racial disharmony fomented by activists and the media helped Biden 'win' the 2020 election, and Trump is likely to push 'law and order' harder than any other issue should he run again.

Right now! The 2024 Donald Trump odds to be elected to another term as President are currently excellent, with big payouts in tow if he wins.

Depending on the site you choose, a Trump 2024 victory would earn you between $8 and $33 for every dollar wagered. BetOnline currently offers the highest payouts on a 2024 Trump win.

Right now, Donald Trump odds to win the GOP nomination for the 2024 Presidential election have him as the favorite, trending at about +400 at Bovada and +1400 at BetOnline.

Trump's odds to win the 2024 presidency pay out even better: +800 at Bovada and +3300 at BetOnline.

Clearly, if you're going to wager on this outcome right now, you'll want to do so at BetOnline for vastly larger payouts.

The US House of Representatives impeached Donald Trump on December 18, 2019. The US Senate acquitted Trump on February 5, 2020, after the subsequent trial, and his Presidential term was unaffected.

Then, after the January 6, 2021, protest on Capitol Hill, the left decided it didn't like protests anymore and impeached Trump again for 'incitement of riot.' Trump is thus the first US President to be impeached twice.

The Senate case is currently pending.

The most recent reports of Donald Trump’s net worth revealed amounts ranging from $2.48 billion to $3.8 billion.

Donald Trump relinquished control of his business interests to his children upon assuming the office of President, but he has maintained that his net worth is closer to $10 billion than the numbers being reported by the “fake news” media.

Regardless, the guy is loaded. For a teetotaler, that's especially impressive!

Because he's an older guy, people are always interested in Donald Trump's age information.

Born June 14, 1946, Trump is 74 years old as of 2021.

Interestingly, in the 2020 election, Trump was actually the younger candidate when he ran against and 'lost' to Dementia Joe Biden.

Donald Trump's height is listed at 6'3', but there has been speculation that he uses lifts in his shoes and is actually around 6’1”.

No actual evidence has been produced that proves Donald Trump is anything but his listed height.

Donald Trump was first elected to political office in November of 2016 when he became the 45th President of the United States. Trump had never previously run for office but had flirted with the notion of running for President since the 1980s.

Pretty clearly, but the Presidency was given to Joe Biden anyway, and Banana Republicans did nothing to help #StopTheSteal.

Next up, 2024!

Trump is a Republican, but that was not always the case. He has changed party affiliation five times throughout the years and has donated to political campaigns of both major parties.

In the past, Trump's preferred political party mirrored whatever party currently held the Congressional House majority, though he has been a full-time Republican since 2012.

Going forward, there is speculation that Trump will start a new political party and put the GOP out of business.

Trump has been declared a fascist by many of his opponents, but is he?

Not remotely.

What is fascism? Fascism is a political ideology that first came to prominence in the early 20th century in Europe. Distinguishing features include extreme right-wing beliefs, dictatorial use of power, and complete control of society using heavy-handed propaganda, and at times, violence.

Although Trump has used strong language at times, his political views are not unusual in the American capitalist oeuvres. He is not a fascist, and to compare him with the likes of “Literally Hitler” is an absurd exaggeration. Most honest historians rate him roughly alongside Ronald Reagan in terms of national and foreign policy.

There is no record of Trump ever being declared mentally ill by a licensed medical professional. Many that have opposed the President have insinuated that he is mentally deficient in some form, but this is merely low-brow opinion and speculation.

It should be noted that these same people insist that Dementia Joe Biden is of perfectly sound mind.

A primary focus of President Trump's early campaign in 2016 was building a border along the Rio Grande and making Mexico finance the project.

So far, Mexico has not agreed to pay for the wall, but Trump obtained financing for over 700 miles of wall construction. This leaves an area of several hundred miles that remains unsecured.

Vegas Odds Trump Wall Today

Over 400 miles of the border wall has been built so far, but President Biden has halted all further construction at this time.

Trump’s approval rating has averaged around 42%, with his disapproval rating lingering in the mid-50s. Although this would seem to be a definitive sign of poor performance, the graphed trajectory is similar to that of most US Presidents dating back to World War II.

Interestingly, Trump has often held higher ratings during his administration than former President Barack Obama did during his, even taking into account the coronavirus and the anti-police protests and race riots currently engulfing America.

Since leaving office, Trump's approval ratings have actually increased, as well.

Donald Trump attended Fordham University before enrolling in the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, graduating in 1968 with a B.S. in economics.

No official IQ test results for Donald Trump have ever surfaced.


There was a report that he had scored a 73 on an IQ test while in military school (the top IQ threshold for mental retardation is 70), but popular debunking website Snopes proved that this story was false. We know it pained them to tell the truth for once.

Vegas Odds Trump Winning

Donald Trump’s “stable genius” status is intact until someone can produce concrete evidence to the contrary.

Probably fewer than any politician in American history.

Still, according to 'research' conducted by anti-Trump outlets CNN and the Washington Post, Trump averages 14.8 false or misleading statements per day.

Of course, Trump is an opponent of the media and often suggests that many major news outlets are printing or broadcasting fake news. US voters and those that are interested in Vegas odds on elections will have to decide which side of the argument they fall on.

That depends on who you ask.

Vegas Odds Trump Wall Art

We suspect that if you put a D next to his name, Trump would be celebrated regularly by the mainstream media for his economic and labor achievements during his first term.

Historically, it is too early to make this determination, however. Only time can provide the full picture by which this administration will ultimately be judged.


Based on historical Trump approval ratings, it could be said that Trump’s presidency is not up to par with previous administrations. But in fact, his overall approval trajectory mirrored that of the last several Presidents, including Barack Obama and Bill Clinton.