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Whatsup people!!! Its been a week now in Finland and so far its been a pretty good time. I arrived in Finland after a long flight with a short layover in London and a brief scare due to the fact I left my passport on the plane when we arrived in Finland (I know mom, I know, be responsible…) But when I arrived in Finland I was greeted by Aki, Coach Janne, and my American teammate Reed Gottula (QB). After a little meal and getting my bags we drove Jarvenpaa, Finland where I will be staying for the duration of my trip. Its a pretty small and quiet town about 15-20 mins outside of Helsinki. When we got to the apartment I met my head coach Mikko and Pasi (coach of the youth team).

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I thanked Mikko for giving me this opportunity countless times, he’s a really good guy. He doesn’t speak the best English but he is still a funny dude, Coach Janne is funny as well. My teammate Reed is a countryboy (not a countryboy like TI or 2chainz), Im talking truck driving good ol Nebraska boy lol. Its the funniest thing when we talk about music because I have no idea who John Prine is and he has no idea who 2 Chainz is lol. He is my road-dawg though, we get along great and we both love the game of football.

My first practice was something I will always remember. From the time I got to the field until the time I went to sleep that day, the team and the locals made it a experience. As I was walking on the field I can see everyone with this look on their face like “thats the other American!” lol it was funny. The practice went well and it felt good to be back on the field again. My teammates said they love my energy on the field, everything from my barking like a dog to screaming Future and 2 Chainz verses lol. Everyone knows Im a passionate and fun loving guy so it comes out on the field.

My first game was another thing I will always remember. We played our game at the same stadium that the cycling event in the 1952 Helsinki Olympics took place (some history for y’all) lol. We played the East City Giants and won 20-10, I had a INT and 3.5 tackles. My man Jeremy Henderson came and showed some love at the game so it was cool to have some support there.

Overall the experience has been pretty good so far, my only problems are I still cant’t really sleep because of the time difference. When its about 3am here in Finland, its only maybe 7pm in the USA so my body is still adjusting. And the food….. SMH… All I will say is I don’t care about “pink slime”, I gotta get some McDonalds in my system because thats the only good thing Ive had to eat here so far (sorry Finland, I still love you).


Thanks for all the love and support that I have been getting from y’all back in the states, its greatly appreciated! Thanks for those of you who Skype me and Imessage text, Facetime, etc. it helps a lot with not getting homesick to hear from y’all so keep hitting me up!

I will continue to keep you guys posted with whats going on with me


Love y’all

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